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How to develop, build, deploy, and run your applications on any OpenShift or Kubernetes compatible platform using OpenShift Client aka oc command?
This OpenShift Client helps you develop, build, deploy, and run your applications on any OpenShift or Kubernetes compatible platform.Here are the step by step guide on how to for absolute beginners:Note: Make sure to add oc (OpenShift Client) to your environment variable so you can run that command from anywhere.Step 1: login to your server:Command…
How to write a simple Spring Boot Application to encrypt and decrypt?
Here I will be using crypto library from BouncyCastleProvider and implement it in spring boot application. Find below the simplest code that I have attached even for beginners to follow through. Dependency Used :com.github.ulisesbocchio jasypt-spring-boot-starter 2.0.0org.jasypt jasypt-spring4 1.9.3org.bouncycastle bcpkix-jdk15on 1.64Alright so above code and dependency should help you understand further.Now briefly as promised above on…
Simple JenkinsFile for Jenkins Pipeline.
Jenkins is a popular open-source automation server used for continuous integration and continuous deployment, enabling efficient software development through automated build, test, and deployment processes. This simple JenkinsFile will help you deploy your maven project easily in different environments based on master, develop, feature, hotfix or release branch or tags. You can copy this and…
How to install Oracle Weblogic server and a Domain in Windows 10 ?
Alright the long waited Oracle Weblogic 14.1.1 Server (Oracle WebLogic Server 14c ( is a scalable, enterprise-ready Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 8 (Java EE 8) Application Server) is here. Today I will show you how to install this Weblogic server 14.1.1 in Windows 10.Step 1: First download this quick Installer from : 2: Select…
What are Deployments in context of OpenShift ?
Often time we see or hear that it is deployment time and we are going to deploy our code in DEV or TEST or PRODUCTION environments. This applies to all sorts of platform, since we are talking about OpenShift (Open source container application platform that allows us to deploy applications) I will write about what…
What are Pods in context of OpenShift ?
There are lots of cloud platform that have same core concept of pod and how they behave and work. OpenShift platform seems to have a similar way of implementation as Kubernetes has if you are familiar with it.Here we will try to explain readers on what Pods in simpler terms are,Letβs say there is one…
What are Services in context of OpenShift ?
We have heard about Load Balancer and how important is this for application continuity. So, before I talk about Services in context of OpenShift. Letβs understand Load Balancer briefly.Load Balancer first acts as a delegate between client ( devices, application, network ) and then the backend (devices, application, network). This delegate or middleman/woman/both receives requests…
What are Routes in context of OpenShift ?
Letβs say we need to have a way to reach a service in OpenShift. So we gave that service a name, for example: So simply put we gave it an externally reachable hostname and defined that as a Route. Because of this connectivity now external clients can reach our applications. Each route consists of…
How to convert Joda-Time to java 8 date with many formats?
As we all know, Joda-Time is the most widely used date and time processing library before the release of Java 8. To address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar Java 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time. As we all know, Joda-Time is the most widely used date and time processing library…